La Framboisière by Idyl

Photo de barquettes 125 grammes de framboises idyl


Idyl grows and har­vests its best rasp­ber­ry varie­ties in Pro­vence and Moroc­co year round. Sold un-der the La Fram­boi­sière brand, these excep­tio­nal lit­tle red ber­ries have an appea­ling colour and deli­cate shape. They will win over any food lover loo­king for fla­vour and authenticity.


Both are essen­tial, not only for gro­wing rasp­ber­ries but for har­ves­ting, packa­ging and ship­ping the best fruit in opti­mal conditions.

Packaging :

  • 40 x 30 cm packages
  • 125 g pun­nets x 12
  • 250 g pun­nets x 8

All other packa­ging on request.

Photo de barquettes de framboises Idyl après la cueillette
Photo d'une framboise Idyl sur un framboisier


At Idyl, we grow the right varie­ties. In Pro­vence and Moroc­co, the varie­ties selec­ted are known for their super­ior taste: the Marion­net award-win­ning French varie­ties “Ver­sailles” and “Paris”. These varie­ties offer ber­ries of a nice calibre that remain firm and fresh after harvest.

Ver­sailles® : the fruit is very large, with an oblong cone shape, and an attrac­tive, deep colour. It has an excel-lent balance of sweet­ness and aci­di­ty and an excep­tio­nal flavour.

Paris® : the fruit is large, with a short cone shape and an aro­ma­tic fra­grance. Like the Ver­sailles, it has a won­der­ful fla­vour. The first har­vest is a lit­tle later than the Ver­sailles variety.

Enjoy the true taste of rasp­ber­ry and be left wan­ting more.