Idyl fresh lettuce division

In all, the Idyl fresh let­tuce divi­sion brings toge­ther 50 conven­tio­nal and orga­nic producers.

Photo d'une salade frisée de près
Photo d'une salade feuille de chêne rouge
Logo salades EVA

Commitment and quality: Lettuce from Provence

To the south of Avi­gnon, Idyl plays a major role in orga­ni­sing the mar­ke­ting of let­tuce from Pro­vence. Idyl works with the best pro­du­cers in the region and is com­mit­ted to sus­tai­nable part­ner­ships to bet­ter plan for sup­plies, joint­ly draw up spe­ci­fi­ca­tions and set appro­priate sel­ling condi­tions. The consi­de­ra­tion of all sta­ke­hol­ders’ demands and main­tai­ning rela­tion­ships on a dai­ly basis are essen­tial to for­ging a sec­tor that is tra­ceable, sus­tai­nable and fair.

Logo Tribu écolo, la marque bio par Idyl

Organic lettuce from Provence

More com­mit­ted to orga­nic far­ming than ever, Idyl works clo­se­ly with orga­nic pro­du­cers in the Pro­vence region. For this new orga­nic range, Idyl is offe­ring three popu­lar let­tuce varie­ties: bata­via, oak leaf and but­te­rhead let­tuces, grown bet­ween Avi­gnon and Saint-Mar­tin-de-Crau by near­ly 30 orga­nic pro­du­cers with a poten­tial yield of 10 mil­lion heads of let­tuce. The crops are grown under shel­ter, in high tun­nels or in mul­ti-span green­houses. Thanks to a large net­work of part­ners in Pro­vence, three lines will be conti­nual­ly sup­plied from mid-Sep­tem­ber through April.

Logo bio AB et Europe
Photo d'une salade batavia bio tribu écolo

In 2020, Idyl obtai­ned the orga­nic cer­ti­fi­ca­tion for its new farm loca­ted bet­ween Avi­gnon and Saint-Rémy-de-Provence.

The har­vests from this new site rein­force an alrea­dy per­fect­ly secure offer. To gua­ran­tee its cus­to­mers an opti­mal level of qua­li­ty and fre­sh­ness, this new pro­duc­tion site is in the imme­diate vici­ni­ty of the packing sta­tion and the ship­ping platform.


In both conven­tio­nal and orga­nic for­mats, the packa­ging can be adap­ted to all requests: Ifco, Ifco black, Euro­pool, mixed packages, Flow­pack and Flow­pack mixed, pouches. Packa­ging sta­tion is cer­ti­fied IFS Food v 6.1 — higher level.