Medjool dates : a variety known for its superior flavour

Photo d'un palmier dattier Idyl en production

Grown and har­ves­ted by Idyl in its Riads du Tafi­la­let palm grove, Med­jool dates are the most popu­lar varie­ty among date lovers. Its soft flesh is dense, without fibres and with a typi­cal fla­vour and aro­ma­tic richness.

Dattes Filali : a brand of excellence

Dattes Fila­li is Idyl’s date brand.
Idyl takes spe­cial care with its packa­ging and holi­day consu­mer units, with 5 kg boxes for spe­cia­li­sed retailers.

Ori­gin : Morocco

Packa­ging :

  • Bulk 5 kg, 3 kg and 2 kg in top­ped boxes with trays
  • Pun­nets: 1 kg – 800 g – 500 g – 400 g – 300 g

All packa­ging on request

logo Dattes Filali version 200px de large
Barquette de dattes Filali
Boite de 5kg de dattes Filali

Morocco: a land of tradition

Date palm culti­va­tion is based on tra­di­tio­nal prac­tices spe­ci­fic to semi-arid agri­cul­ture. In the Riads du Tafi­la­let, far­ming deve­lo­ped thanks to the know-how of locals. Over time, this exper­tise, com­bi­ned with modern tech­no­lo­gy, has led to the deve­lop­ment of sus­tai­nable and pro­duc­tive agri­cul­ture.

The Riads du Tafilalet palm grove

The palm grove covers more than 50 hec­tares and is the lar­gest Moroc­can plan­ta­tion of tis­sue cul-ture date palms in full pro­duc­tion to date. The palm grove is loca­ted in eas­tern Moroc­co, where the condi­tions for date growth and matu­ri­ty are opti­mal. All pro­duc­tion stages are per­fect­ly control­led: natu­ral pol­li­na­tion, ligh­ting, matu­ra­tion and ripening.

The best local and tra­di­tio­nal varie­ties were cho­sen and plan­ted: Bouf­fe­gous, Nej­da, Bou­ze­kri, Az-iza and, of course, the queen of dates, Medjool

Photo d'un palmier en production Filali

Maghreb Palm lab

Tis­sue culture date palm plant propagation

Photo de plants de palmiers dans le laboratoire Maghreb palm

The Magh­reb Palm lab, which is spe­cia­li­sed in the tis­sue culture pro­pa­ga­tion tech­nique for date palms, is part of the Sopro­fel-Idyl group. This ver­ti­cal diver­si­fi­ca­tion helps main­tain control over all pro­duc­tion stages.

The Magh­reb Palm labo­ra­to­ry sup­plies major palm pro­jects in Moroc­co and abroad.